





Bosh sahifa vector
Biz haqimizda vector
Galereya vector
Qo'llanmalar vector
Yangiliklar vector
Restoranlar vector
Aksiyalar vector
Bo'sh ish o'rinlari vector
Bog'lanish vector
Ommaviy taklif vector
Restoranga tashrif buyurish qoidalari vector
Yuridik ma'lumotlar vector
Sertifikat vector
Yetkazib Berish va To'lov Shartlari vector
Mahsulotni Qaytarish Qoidalari va Pulni Qaytarish Siyosati vector
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BuxoroFarg'onaSamarqandToshkent sh.
  • Banner .
  • Banner 🌞 Завтраки в Yaponamama ! 🌞

Завтраки в Yaponamama теперь доступны исключительно в нашем филиале Афросиаб!

Порадуйте себя вкусом утренних шедевров, начиная день с блюд, которые вдохновляют.

Мы приготовили для Вас всё, что нужно для идеального утра!

📍 Адрес: Мирабадский р-н, ул. Афросиаб, 15/1

📍 Ориентир: ЦУМ, Голубые Купола, напротив БЦ Barakat Centre

📲 Номер телефона: +99898-777-13-12

✨ Поспешите — утром на ЦУМе вкусно!

Начинайте свой день вкусно!😋
  • Banner 20% discount on lunch from 14:00 to 16:00

20% discount on the menu from Monday to Friday from 14:00 to 16:00, in all Yaponamama restaurants ❤️

**The discount is valid only for visiting restaurants (does not apply to delivery, pickup and food courts)
**The discount cannot be combined with other promotions and offers

📞 1089, 71-200-89-89 — Tashkent 
📞 78-147-89-89 — Bukhara, Samarkand, Fergana 

Public offer: https://bit.ly/3Udn28Z
  • Banner Personal discount for the birthday boy 20%

Dear friends, we have great news!

We give a 20% discount to every birthday boy 🎁

🎉The discount is valid for 3 days before and 3 days after the birthday!

🎉 The discount is provided to the birthday person and on the basis of a document confirming the birthday (passport, birth certificate, driver's license, etc.)

**The discount on the promotion cannot be combined with other discounts

📞 1089, 71-200-89-89 — Tashkent 
📞 78-147-89-89 — Bukhara, Samarkand, Fergana 

Public offer: https://bit.ly/3Udn28Z
  • Banner Now you have a unique opportunity to get a 15% discount on pickup from restaurants!

How does it work? It's very simple! You make an order online via a telegram bot or by calling the call center, choose a convenient pick-up time, and then come to the restaurant. It's so easy! 🎁🚀

*The discount cannot be combined with other promotions and offers
**The discount is valid in all restaurants except Sergeli and Samarkand

📞 1089, 71-200-89-89 — Tashkent
78-147-89-89 — Bukhara, Samarkand, Fergana

Public offer: https://bit.ly/3Udn28Z
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  • Banner Updated loyalty program

WOK Samarqand shahrida

Hozirda hech qanday mahsulot yo'q